NanoSyrinx wins award for “Best Innovation”

NanoSyrinx has been recognised by winning the award for Best Innovation at the ICURe Celebration & Showcase event, held at County Hall, London 22nd March 2022. 

The award panel, comprised of innovators and early-stage investors, recognised the groundbreaking nature of the company’s technology and commented on its potential to have a significant impact on the biologic therapeutics market by creating a whole new class of targeted medicines.

Joe Healey, CEO, said:

“We are delighted that NanoSyrinx has been recognised with this award. It shows how far the company has progressed, since completing the ICURe programme in 2018.  ICURe gave us a head-start in terms of validating the market demand for our technology and also brought us together for the first time as a founding team. The experience has stood us in good stead for where we are today, and I’d recommend that anyone given the opportunity to take part, does so.”

The award was presented by Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands and former Managing Director of John Lewis, alongside Dr Laura Lane, Principal at Advent Life Sciences and Prof Stuart Croft, Vice Chancellor and President of the University of Warwick.

ICURe, which stands for Innovation to Commercialisation of University Research, is a 3-6 month customer discovery and business planning accelerator designed using lean start-up methodology and funded by Innovate UK.

The programme trains, funds and supports teams led by university early-career researchers (ECRs) to determine whether there is a market for products or services that utilise their research, science or technology.

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